Latest News

I have now successfully completed my training as a hypnosis coach.
As a certified hypnosis coach*, I can now carry out real hypnosis sessions in light to medium trance depths.
These can be booked either separately or as a supplement to BDSM sessions (preferably directly before the session or 3-5 days before as mental preparation).
*I work with the Nautilus code method.

On January 13th I will start training to become a hypnosis coach. Appointments are not possible from January 13th to 17th. During this time, I can only be reached via SMS for appointment confirmations or appointment requests.

the new website is online - still in progress

www.rubber-goddess-cheyenne.com coming soon
My rubber website is still a preview page, as the new one is still under construction.
Thank you for your patience.

The combination of something special and photo art:
The most beautiful photo series during your stay and/or session can be booked as an extra option.